Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Turkey Burgers

Okay. This is going to be hard for me.  Dan and I decided that we wanted to start eating more healthily and I took the giant leap by planning an entire week of dinners WITHOUT RED MEAT.  I've also decided to forgo chicken as well.  I love red meat, love love love.  But I have a feeling my love affair isn't so great for me. For starters, last night we went with one of my all time faves yellow rice, black beans, and sauteed zucchini.  I like to change it up each time and last night I added to red pepper flakes to the garlic as it was cooking before adding the zucchini.  It definitely added a nice bite.

Tonight however, I'm trying something I've never eaten before with a food I've never cooked before either.  Ground turkey.  I found this great website, myfridgefood.com which allows you to plug in what you have and it'll spit back out recipes based on what you've already got at home.

Tonight: from Myfridgefood.com — Ground Turkey Burgers, Home Fries, and Steamed Broccoli

This recipe was actually really appealing to me: turkey, onion, and Dijon mustard broiled into a perfect burger.  I've even got some whole wheat buns to enjoy them on.  I also got creative right before starting the burgers and decided we needed to have some sort of 'fry' with the burgers so I went with home fries.  Yeah, probably not incredibly healthy, but at least it's better than me using the store-bought frozen one in the fridge.  If I'm going to have something unhealthy at least I'll know exactly what went into it!

The Verdict:  Well, that depends on who you ask.  I thought they were pretty good (once you got a piece of lettuce on top with a touch of mayo and ketchup.  Dan, on the other hand, left half of the patty on his plate and resorted to eating the pieced of lettuce I had out for garnish.  I think the biggest issue was that they're REALLY dry (that and they're nothing like a real burger.)  But over all, I'd definitely make them again as a way to throw something different into the mix.  Also, the home fries were definitely perfect with the 'burgers'.